Marshmallow Squares

Really easy and yummy.
I made this and added shredded coconut to it. I also made “cupcakes” instead of making it in cake form. Delicious.
I made this exactly as the recipe said, being careful to have the pb mixture on the heat just until everything was melted , and it turned out a perfect consistency and cut easily from the fridge within a couple hours, with a parchment paper liner. My family was very happy I finally made this treat
I actually add rice krispies to mine! It gives it that exrta crunch and texture. Very yummy
I had planned on making these all day..lo and behold, I get to the grocery store and they do not sell butterscotch chips!?! I say what the heck and grab the Hershey’s milk chocolate chips. Oh my gosh!!! I have no idea what the original recipe tastes like and I doubt I ever will, because these were just unbelievable awesome. I used chunky peanut butter and lined the dish with wax paper..had no problem cutting or getting them out..only problem was not eating them all! MMMMM


1⁄2 cup peanut butter
1 (12 ounce) package butterscotch chips
1⁄2 cup butter
3 cups mini marshmallows

Melt butter, chips, and peanut butter together on low heat.
Cool, add marshmallows.
Pour into 8×8 pan to set.


Israeli Salad